Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Educating the young . .

Last week I was invited to a local primary school to speak to two classes of 8/9yr olds about beekeeping. They had been studying bees, so had many interesting questions to ask me !! Gulp - some really made me think like, `do bees fly backwards ?` and `do bees live in blended families ?` - a sign of the times maybe . . .
I took along my suit, blower, some wax and frames plus honey to taste. I was going to take some bees as I do have a small case with glass sides for showing a frame, but the day was quite cold and windy and I didn`t fancy opening my hive. Still, they were all very responsive and I enjoyed spending the time with them.
The children had done some amazing artwork which I am going to ask their teacher if I can have a copy of acouple of them, wonderful poetry also - it is so encouraging to see these little people learning and interested in bees - all is not lost for the future I believe . . .


Cliff W said...

Well done, Ngaio.

What a wonderful post!

Wren said...

Oh, this is beyond wonderful! I'll second Cliff...Well done!!

Anonymous said...

Hello, Ngaio! Thank you for the wonderful post on my blog, and thank you for the props on my blog background! I have to admit, I like to think I'm pretty web saavy, but the new blog background was a pain, but once I got it finished, I have to admit I like it. Oh, and kudis for spreading the good word on beekeeping with young people. Looks like you were having just as much fun as them, hehe! Stop by my blog anytime! Glad to have you visit! Mark in the USA