Once again we have stunning spring days. The trees are bursting into leaf or flower with the Horse Chestnut above sending out star shaped leaves from a sticky bud. I spend alot of my day looking up !
The native Kumarahou is flowering everywhere, all along the sides of the road in rural areas. The bees love the yellow pollen and sticky nectar from the early spring flowering small tree, it grows well here in the Waikato.
The amazing Ginkgo - what a prehistoric looking plant this beautiful tree is. I love the way the flowers and leaves grow from the wood, the waxy leaves spreading out into tiny fans, the bright spring green colour heralding the new season.
I am enjoying playing with my new camera, a Canon PowerShot SX1015 - I still have lots to learn about it, so as you can imagine, the camera goes everywhere with me - my family ask when am I going to take photos of humans ?? I have 3 grandchildren that get photographed alot, I need to get some printed, it is easy to forget with a digital camera, I miss not actually having a hard copy to look at.
Beautiful photos of Beautiful Days! I love the horsechestnut one.
"Summer" finally arrived here today - strangely it coincided with 8th official day of autumn! Oddly, my fiancee has been insisting for ages that a reliable long-range weather forecaster from NZ had predicted this hot spell months ago - he was 2 days out - amazing! I'll be eating lots of humble pie tonight ;)
I'm still having a hard time grasping the fact that it's spring there. My yard and garden is turning to autumn color. Thanks for sharing those beautiful photos.
I have a good friend who was fortunate to travel to New Zealand several years ago and she said it was one of the most beautiful places she had ever seen. Our families have traveled a good bit together over the years and I was truly sorry I missed that trip.
I do, however, have a keepsake from your country. My friend brought me a tile that I use on my countertop. Although the back is worn, I can read that it says "The Waipu Tile Studio", Waipu, New Zealand. Now everytime I see it I think of you.
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