Friday, October 30, 2009

Flying home in the rain ..

Bees in the sustainable garden at the Hamilton Gardens were getting very wet last week. I just happened to walk into the garden when the rain poured down and droves of bees began returning to their hive which is situated on top of a pergola out of human reach ! It was interesting watching them return in big groups, sort of like aeroplane squadrens returning to base - sort of
My TB hive is going very well by the look of all the activity all week. It has been very windy here so I am hoping it will be nice and calm on the weekend and I will get a chance to open it and see what has been going on. I do get a real kick out of just sitting and looking - it would only be about 3/4 metres from where I am sitting in my dining room at this minute. I have just finished mowing the lawns and there was no worry from either of my hives when mowing quite close to them.
Don`t you worry Cliff, as soon as I get something to report I will be blogging !! I actually hope to start a TB group in NZ, have had a chat to a lady in Auckland who is keen and I know there will be some from my club interested.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

We're having cold, autumn rain and there are very few bees out. Today has been gloomy and tomorrow promises to be much the same. Good day for Halloween, I guess.

I'm curious if your TB hive has a sceened bottom board and also if there is a way to feed from the top if necessary. Let me know at your convenience. Thanks!
