Spring has finally arrived here in Aotearoa with the unpredictable weather, brilliant blue-sky days and blossom everywhere. The spring equinox winds tend to blow the blossom in a flutter of white, covering the lawn. Daisys smother the grass amid bright dandelions - banquet for beezzz
Tulips in the Hamilton Gardens look amazing, all planted out in their colours and blooming in time for the festival. The bulbs are lifted by the gardeners each year after flowering, stored then planted again next year - a huge job as there are thousands of bulbs !
Native tree, Rewarewa, displays its beautiful, rust-red flowers bursting open into yellow tubes that the bees and birds seek out.
Kowhai flowers shine butter yellow, attracting nectar drinking birds - I have a flock of wax-eyes that visit in the afternoons flitting around after the bugs. This time of the year in the southern hemisphere there is a certain feel in the air, a light brightness, noisy blackbirds and raucous tui . . . New, bright green delicate leaves on the deciduous trees - the smell of fresh rain in the air . .
What a feast of flowers. I found myself looking at them as if I were a bee!
amazing blog very easy to understand. keep it up.
Very good collection of flowers.I really like bee-keeping.
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Love your flowers, esp the natives, your garden must be getting its summer scent back! I must stay in touch and watch how your bees behave this summer!! don't you just love the beeswax tea cups i made!! c
Marcia, have you seen the movie "Queen of the Sun"? If not I highly recommend it. It's subtitled, what the bees are trying to tell us. It's a really beautiful movie about bees and beekeeping all over the world. (Several scenes from NZ and NZ beekeepers).
I think you would enjoy it a lot.
Good morning Marcia, I was wandering through old posts and saw you and wondered how you and your garden are doing?
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