What bee could resist this sight ?? Rudbeckia `Herbstonne` flowering away in the English Garden`s long border, seed heads are starting to appear now, the gardeners leave them for the birds most years. This tall, slightly straggly plant is flowering amoungst the brilliant blue salvia patens - quite a striking sight.

Monarda didyma or Bee Balm, wonderful scent and a real bee attractant - this plant is flowering in the Herb Garden here in the Hamilton Gardens where I spend most of the week - well, someone has to do it !! I spent the morning walking around the different areas of the Gardens photographing the plants the tutors will use in their classes this week. I put the pics onto disk and the photos are then used on a power point lesson, along with a real sample of each plant.

Late summer is upon us here in the South Pacific, it is still warm but the nights are drawing in and it seems cooler. Day light saving ends next week, thank goodness. I believe it goes on far to long now, I look forward to autumn and the changes that this mellow season brings.
Above is the pink sedum ( ignore the name plate next to it ) flowering in the Gardens at the moment. It had many bees on it`s honey scented flowers this morning. My bees are still out and about most days, we have finaly had some rain, not enough to break the drought but hopefully the nectar flow may start again, especially here in the city where there is always something flowering.
Roll on autumn days, my favourite time of the year, I think we humans need this time to wind down ready for winter. Of course it doesn`t happen like that anymore, we are still as busy as ever through the colder months.
aww, such gorgeous array of flowers
I send best wishes and succesufully years to beekeping,I think New Zelland and Turkey located opposite hemisphere .Probably you wait winter season,we wait summer season.What can I communicate your beekepers citizens?If you help this subject ı will appriciate for you.Best wishes and regards.
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