Thats me doing the hard work, in fact it is very satisfying somehow, it was hot and sticky but worth it all in the end

The first frame of uncapped honey from my citybees - not bad I think !
Each frame seemed to be packed out to the sides which made it easy to uncap.

Queen cells maybe in Miro, the brood pattern is not good and I think the bees have decided to make another Queen - we will see ..

Gently brushing the bees off the frames, they were quite docile really considering the fact that I was robbing them of their hard earned booty. I didn`t have to smoke them much at all and no stings - thats always a bonus !! I have noticed that some days they are quite grumpy and will actually fly at me, a warning I guess. Lately thought both hives have been extremely happy and non-aggresive, it must be the way I talk to them - I always thank the bees for providing me with their honey and have left plenty for them over the winter.
I really need to sort out how to put my photos on with the writing so that it all matches ! Never mind, you get the drift hopefully ..