I am a woman beekeeper in Aotearoa (NZ), I have been fascinated with bees for a long time and finally I have 2 hives on a city section surrounded by old fruit trees and flower gardens. I belong to the local Bee Club and the knowledge there I find indespensible. I also read and surf the beekeeping net for all the information I can find.I have discovered a passion !
Sunday, December 7, 2008
bees at work ..

Thursday, November 6, 2008
Using Organic Treatment

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Spring and the bees are buzzing ...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
A stroll in the Gardens this morning ...

Saturday, August 2, 2008
ApiLifeVar - organics all the way !!

Reuban and his lovely Swiss wife Anne drove over from Rotorua about an hour away, and kept us all entertained for nearly 2 hours. First we had a great power-point display of the photos they had taken on his beekeeping adventures around the world, starting with keeping 80 hives in Switzerland and continuing into Asia with the promotion and selling of ApiLifeVar.
ApiLifeVar, to quote the pamphlet, is based on essential oils - Thymol,Eucalyptus,Menthol and Camphor, absorbed on an inert medium, is the organic solution for the treatment of varroasis in bees and against tracheal mite. After listening to Reuban`s very informative and interesting talk, I for one will be using this treatment in my hives this coming spring - surely it is so much better for my bees not to put any sort of chemicals that are going to have bad affects on them eventually, into their living space ??
Reuban is the NZ rep for this product, which is manufactured in Italy and exported to many other countries. It was so refreshing to listen to another point of view, even the critics had to admit that they were interested !
The meeting concluded with refreshments and a delicious honey and lemon cake made by Sandy - a pleasent end to a very good night ..
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Winter flowers ...

Sunday, May 25, 2008
I am honoured ...

I have been doing the news letter for a year or so now and really enjoy it, the President role will be somewhat different - I have lots of ideas, but will take it slowly as not to upset the older gentlemen to much.
I am also really keen to have a Top Bar Hive this year, not much is known about them here and if I mention it to established beekeepers that tend to scoff at the idea, but I am determined to succeed !!
I will try and add more posts regularly ..
Monday, March 3, 2008
late summer bee flowers ...

Monday, January 28, 2008
Summer Honey ..

Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Summer Days ...