The photo above was taken yesterday out of the large window I was sitting by, in a great cafe in the little village of Pirongia, not far from Hamilton. The mountain the village and area is named after, can be seen slightly in the misty background. I was having a coffee and muffin reading over my notes, feeling nervous about the talk I was soon to deliver to the Waikato branch of the NZTCA ( tree croppers) ! The talk went very well plus a wonderful lunch with lots of yummy nut receipes to choose from, eg Chestnut soup, walnuts, hazelnuts and in general, very delicious - plus I nearly forgot, a container with a pump and tap of extremely drinkable apple cider - thanks Rob, that helped settle the nerves !!
I spoke about trees for bees, supplying a year round source of nectar and pollen for honey bees. Which tree sp to plant, especially types that will do well in our Waikato climate. I also touched on CCD and everyone seemed to be keen to hear about my TopBar hive, even convinced afew - I think .. One chap has 1000 hives in the King Country, is selling up and getting a TB or 2 - yah

These 2 cards were made for me by my lovely daughter Pip, one for my birthday and the other for Mothers Day - I cherish them. She loves the old Girls Annual books, using pictures she cuts out ever so neatly and puts together on good card - I just love getting things like this, made with love and thoughtfulness. .
Lia, my grandaughter wrote me a beautiful poem about a mermaid, which will also go into my journal along with all the other precious bits !

It is certainly heart warming to a parent when given something hand-made with love - all mine know what I love doing, know all my little eccentricities . . .