Sepia Saturday again - where has the week gone ?? The pics this week are of my maternal Great grand parents, Dorothy ( driving the huge Clydesdale horses) and Arthur Andrews ( see post acouple of weeks ago), my Grand mother, Phylis Gwendoline ( bottom left) and her young brother Marcus, on top of the hay stack on the wagon with his Dad. This photo was taken around 1923 in their orchard at Greenhithe just north of Auckland. It was in the country in those days, now is a suburb of our biggest city Ak.

-The family are getting their winter supply of hay ready to build into stacks - there is a real art in building them to last the winter, I was talking about it with one of my `old darlings` I care for in my 2nd job recently, he is 94 and full of wonderful stories. He told me how the hay stacks were built, if done properly, the stack would stay up and dry inside through all weather , it was all in the angle of the stacking, important not to `over stack` the bundles - very hot and dusty work !
My Gr Grandmother may have been tiny but she could handle those 2 big horses, mind you, most Clydesdale horses I remember were very placid but strong. . .
Happy Sepia Sat from Aotearoa on this sunny day !
Great pictures and a lovely story.
Wonderful photos and story to go with them. I have posted about hay making too but it was when I was young.
Wonderful photo with great smiles despite the hot and dusty work!
This is interesting and beautiful to look at. They look as if they're dressed up as angels.
This is a wonderful photograph to me because it depicts family working together and enjoying each other. They are all smiling, I think. Love the Clydesdales!
Happy Sepia Saturday Aotearoa ! Stay Sunny!
An interesting post. It is unusual to see the hay in individual bunches.
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